Mix and Match

commerce with a cause

Your shopping makes a difference

from our community


COVID recovery and beyond
COVID recovery and beyond

"The COVID lockdown was horrible for me as a person who has no family. I had a horrible time with the isolation so I began to write my book.

YWCA was a great help teaching me the business end of things and the steps I needed to take to get me through and beyond a terrible time in our history."

Charlene de Lory

Taking control and giving back
Taking control and giving back

As a banker who was incarcerated because of drug abuse, YWCA's Fernhurst Ka Hale Ho‘āla Hou No Nā Wāhine program allowed me to successfully transition from prison back into the community.

Because of their guidance, I have now written and illustrated two published children’s books, “Mommy Loves You,” and “My Best Friend.” I owe a lot to YWCA and intend to pay it forward by supporting other women.

Lois Kim